Red Signs and Labels with White Text. Height = 20mm (Made to your own specifications)

Code: RDW-20
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The price of the Sign / Label you order will be calculated when you make your selections below. Your selections inform us of your requirements and also enables you to tailor your order to suit your budget.

EngraveFast advise you to type the text you require engraving into a word processor, to check the spelling, then cut and paste your text into the appropriate line(s) below.

Regularly people read what they think they have typed rather than what they have typed.  Ask a fresh pair of eyes to check your words.

The Larger the Sign / Label, the larger the Font that will be used. The more text you require the more condensed and smaller the Font will become. Text height will be adjusted to suit size of Sign / Label selected.

Text will be centre justified (unless you specify otherwise)

For example:

 Acer Platanoides
Crimson King

We will use a Single Line Font for this size of Sign / Label. If you have a specific requirement such as having text on one line in just CAPITALS or in a larger font than the text on the other line, please type your instructions in the last box below - "Additional Notes for Engraver"

We will drill and countersink 2 holes and supply screws or supply industrial strength self-adhesive tape to fit if you select this option below.

The price of the Sign / Label you order will be calculated when you make your selections below. Your selections inform us of your requirements and also enables you to tailor your order to suit your budget.

EngraveFast advise you to type the text you require engraving into a word processor, to check the spelling, then cut and paste your text into the appropriate line(s) below.

Regularly people read what they think they have typed rather than what they have typed.  Ask a fresh pair of eyes to check your words.

The Larger the Sign / Label, the larger the Font that will be used. The more text you require the more condensed and smaller the Font will become. Text height will be adjusted to suit size of Sign / Label selected.

Text will be centre justified (unless you specify otherwise)

For example:

 Acer Platanoides
Crimson King

We will use a Single Line Font for this size of Sign / Label. If you have a specific requirement such as having text on one line in just CAPITALS or in a larger font than the text on the other line, please type your instructions in the last box below - "Additional Notes for Engraver"

We will drill and countersink 2 holes and supply screws or supply industrial strength self-adhesive tape to fit if you select this option below.

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